What It’s Like Being In The Microsoft LEAP Program: Classroom Portion

5 min readApr 5, 2021

Wow I just wrapped up my 4 weeks classroom portion of the Microsoft Leap Apprenticeship Program and super pumped for the next 12 weeks, although nervous at the same time. I wrote two blog posts a few weeks ago and have had several people reach out to find out what it has been like so far and requesting that I keep them updated.

You can read all about the application and interview process for me and also about my first week in the program.

The past 4 weeks have definitely been an experience in so many ways. I learned some new concepts during this classroom portion and also found out a few things that are of interest to me.

A typical day ran from 8am to 5pm PST, since I live on the East coast, it was 11am to 8pm EST, tough right?. We usually started the day with some form of mindfulness activity like doodling, meditation, breathing, chair moves etc in our own spaces for about 30minutes. This was super helpful in setting the tone for the day especially for me because I am out and about doing school runs from 7am, it was a way to calm down and get myself in the right frame of mind. Throughout each day we had guest speakers and also some time to work on group projects. At the end of…

