Top things I have learned from Design interviews so far

3 min readOct 18, 2020

I have had a couple of UX/UI/Product design interviews and figured I should share a few points I have learned so far to help others in the same journey.

· When answering the phone, state your name, for instance “Hi, this is X (insert your name)”. This helps the person on the other side not have to ask if this is X person.

· Dress the part regardless of if it’s a phone call or zoom interview. I believe this helps in speaking more confidently.

· Ask questions at the end of the interview that show you have done your research on the company. Do not just ask questions just because it’s recommended to ask, ask thought provoking questions.

· Prepare in advance. Spend time practicing and getting ready for the interview. Find a collection of questions, answer them and include in a document so you have access to them and can tweak or build upon as needed.

· Do your thorough research on the company.

