How motherhood makes me a better UX designer

4 min readOct 12, 2020

I remember when I became a mom nearly 5 years ago. I definitely had no idea what I was doing. We left the hospital and I kept thinking how can these doctors trust us to go home alone with this fragile little human. I had a similar feeling after finishing my program as a Designer. However, like with motherhood, no one ever knows everything in the beginning, we all learn and do our best to get better while caring for our children which in Design would be projects we are working on.

I decided to write a post on some ways motherhood helps make me a better UX designer daily.

Take feedback

As a mother, I have learned how to handle feedback so much from my kids. Sometimes I yell out of frustration instead of communicating correctly, then my daughter comes to correct my actions lol. Same with our users, its always important to get feedback from them on your product and their overall experience with it. It is important not only to get feedback from users, but also from those in the workplace.

Consistency in design

