15 Steps to up your game as a UX Designer while job hunting

4 min readOct 4, 2020

Job hunting especially during a pandemic can be extremely stressful. With design, and most jobs in general, landing that first job can be super hard especially with no formal education in that area. Sometimes, it takes everything you have to stay motivated in the midst of rejections, being ghosted or hearing crickets on your job applications. I figured I should share a few things I am doing to hopefully increase my chances of landing a great job as a designer.

Take some courses

Find design related courses on websites like Coursera, Udemy. Study relevant topics like User Journey, User flows and wireframes, prototyping, personas etc.

Improve your design skills

Try things like daily UI, or adobe photoshop and illustrator challenges to help brush up your design skills. Check out Behance or Dribble for inspiration.

Find inspiration

There are many amazing people that I turn to for inspiration when it comes to design, I wrote a blog post recently on some design people to follow so check them out. Inspiration can also come from podcasts, youtube, Instagram and many others. Some great podcasts are The Futur, 99% Invisible, Design better podcast, and Design huddle.

